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How GI Physicians Can Thrive Despite Dwindling Reimbursement

headshot of Dr. Scott Choi and gastroenterology EHR

Adhering to the influx of regulations and dealing with EMR connectivity issues cost gastroenterologists energy and time. In 2017, 50 percent of gastroenterologists reported feeling burned out due to increased regulations, working long hours for lower compensation and working with EMR systems, according to Medscape’s “2017 Gastroenterologist Lifestyle Report.” Medscape asked respondents to rate burnout on a scale of one to seven, in which seven indicated the highest degree of burnout. Overall, gastroenterologists reported their burnout severity was 4.0. Burnout can have a series of consequences, whether that may be reduced empathy toward patients or an uptick in patient care mistakes, indicating the industry should devise solutions to mitigate symptoms of burnout.

This post originally appeared in Becker’s ASC by Mary Rechtoris.

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